Our First Coloring Book!
Our First Coloring Book
We made our first coloring book! This year, we chose to celebrate Independent Bookstore Day (the last Saturday in April) by making a book of our own. It celebrates our favorite local lei and lei flowers in 32 pages of fun for all ages.

This book is a compilation of the last seven years of lei art drawn by Kea. Some of these illustrations go all the way back to her first workshop in 2017! So, while you can definitely expect to find your favorite lei from our lei stand, you will likely find new art to love within the pages of this book.
You can find our Lei Flowers of Hawaii coloring book today, April 29, 2023, at da Shop: books + curiosities in Kaimuki from 10 AM - 2 PM and the Ho‘omau Hawai‘i May Day Market on the lawn at Bishop Museum from 10 AM - 4 PM. We hope to see you there! A hui hou.