Live Aloha: Hand Lettering 101 Workshop
Hand Lettering 101/Modern Calligraphy Workshop
Live Aloha Festival @ the Seattle Center
Saturday, September 10 from 12:30pm PDT to 3pm PDT
We are so excited to offer workshops during our time in Seattle. For those of you who are new to the Kākou Collective hui, Aloha! Please feel free to tell us where youʻre from in the comments below and connect with us on Instagram @KakouCollective. We love connecting with our community and cultivating opportunities to share and learn. If youʻve been following us since 2020 - Mahalo piha. We are so grateful for your support and are excited to come to Seattle and finally meet you in person!
About the illustration workshop: Flowers of Hawaiʻi
Throughout this 2.5 hour workshop, we will learn the basics of lettering. We will be utilizing various pens to form basic strokes and turning them into letters to practice what many call Modern Calligraphy using a method called Fauxligraphy (because we are not using specialty nib tools used in Calligraphy).
In addition to learning how to letter the basic strokes to create letters and words, we hope to cultivate a space in which we can have meaningful conversation about fostering and creating a positive space in our lives to normalize ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.
We will also be ending the workshop with a fun make and take project where we will create a card and gift tag. Iʻm a firm believer that art is meant to be shared and enjoyed, so we hope that perhaps you will create something youʻre proud of and would love to share with someone special.
How do I sign up for the workshop?
- Follow the Live Aloha Festival on instagram and head over to the Live Aloha website when they post that the workshops are live to reserve your spot. Spaces are limited.
Do I need to bring any tools?
- All tools will be provided but if youʻd love to bring your own tools to create with, we definitely won't stop you (in fact, we might even ask where you get your tools in the Seattle area).
What if Iʻm not really good at drawing? Is this class okay for younger/older artists?
- Absolutely no previous experience is necessary. This workshop is for all levels and ages (preferably children with the ability to follow instructions, and know their basic shapes - the youngest Iʻve ever taught in a lettering workshop was 11 and the oldest was 82!)
Do we get to keep the tools and swag?
- We hope that the tools provided will inspire you to continue creating and exploring the world of lettering and that you will be inspired by the basic phrases and Hawaiian values we letter in class
Can we record the workshop?
- At this time, recording of the workshop by attendees is not allowed
Can we make copies of the workbook?
- Duplication of the workbook for personal gain or manufacturing is not allowed (and is super not pono). If youʻd like to learn how to draw flowers from us, hele over to our instagram guides where we have all of our tutorials weʻve ever taught on Instagram saved.
Iʻd like to take the other workshop youʻre offering - is the swag bag and tools the same
- Iʻm a stationery addict myself, so absolutely not. You can expect completely different items in either workshops swag bag just in case youʻd like to spend the day with us and take both workshops.
What's in the swag bag?
- You can expect some Kakou Collective goodies highlighting plants with significance to Hawaiʻi and of course made in Hawaiʻi stationery. I may even find some other local shops to feature in our swag bags!