We Were On The News!


We need to share a moment of pride with all of you. Out of all of the small businesses at Made In Hawaii, we were one of two businesses featured on KHON2 news. Mahalo piha (our fullest gratitude) to Kamaka Pili for giving us the opportunity to share our mana‘o (thoughts) on air.

We would not have had this opportunity without the tremendous turnout from you, our hui. Your overwhelming support makes it possible for us to bring the beauty of nā lā‘au Hawai‘i (Hawaiian plants) to new audiences every day. This win is as much yours as it is ours. It's a kākou thing! You can view the segment by clicking the image below. 

meet our founder & illustrator

Kea peters

Native Hawaiian illustrator from Ewa Beach who balances motherhood and entrepreneurship.