Donations and Sponsorships
Thank you for your interest in a donation or sponsorship from Kakou Collective.
Kakou Collective is honored to support many worthwhile charitable causes and events each year. We make every effort to accommodate as many requests as possible. However, due to the number of requests we receive, we are unable to accommodate all of them. In order for your organization to be considered for a donation or sponsorship item, all requests must be submitted via the below form.
Kakou Collectiveʻs mission to create and share authentic artistic expression that inspire creators to connect with the cultural values, traditions, and communities of Hawaiʻi. From thoughtfully selecting the type of plants we draw, to the collections we curate, we weave Hawaiʻi's story and our love of local culture into all we do. By mixing aloha ʻāina and contemporary expression, Kea hopes to enrich your life through storytelling and creative expression.
Kakou Collective furthers its goals and promise to native empowerment by ensuring authentic, quality innovations and seeking kuleana-based partnerships to nurture the local community, and indigenous artistry.
donations and sponsorships
Written, text, direct messages or phone requests are not accepted. To receive full consideration, Kakou Collective must receive your request AT LEAST 8 WEEKS PRIOR to the event date. You may anticipate a reply within 1 week from the date we receive your request. If your request is approved, our team will be in touch with you to facilitate the donation process.