MAMo Collection on HI Now

MAMo Collection on HI Now

A long-time dream of Kākou Collective has been to see our art on textiles. Our collaborations with Valia Honolulu and The Keiki Dept gave us a taste of what it might be like to enter this space. We launched a collection of 100% organic cotton t-shirts in December 2022, bringing apparel to our shop for the first time. Now, we have our own collection of wearable art.

Mahalo piha (our fullest gratitude) to Kumu Vicky Holt Takamine and PA‘I Foundation for including us in the February 2023 MAMo Wearable Art Show and to HI Now for featuring us in preparation for the event. You can view the feature by clicking the image below.

meet our founder & illustrator

Kea peters

Native Hawaiian illustrator from Ewa Beach who balances motherhood and entrepreneurship.